May 9, 2012

The Summer of New Things

Out with the old and in with the new, right!? I guess I don't really need to take it that far...but at the very least, it is in with the new for this girl. I am excited to try a hoard of new things (or at least things I haven't done in so long, they're practically new). Items on the list include fishing, learning German and becomming a hiker. Today I have taken on my first new challenge...simple, yet exciting in my opinion: making ricotta cheese from scratch! I don't really like the stuff you buy at the store and this is so easy, why would I do anything else? Here is the recipe... Line a collander with two layers of durable food safe paper towel and place in a large bowl. In a separate microwave safe bowl, combine 2 cups of whole milk, 1/4 tsp of salt and 2 tbsp of lemon juice or vinegar. I used lemon juice today. Microwave that for 2 to 4 minutes...until it is 165 degrees F on a food thermometer or it looks like the milk is really forming some good curds. I did the full 4 minutes. Spoon that over the paper towel and let drain covered with plastic wrap or a paper towel until it is the consistency you want it. I'm going with 45 minutes, but you can drain it anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Put it in a tupperware and store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Should make about 1/2 c.

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