Dec 16, 2008

I can't believe it's been almost 4 months since I wrote a blog! Time passes very quickly and I suppose I've been up to much.

A few months ago I injured my wrists, placing a brick wall right in the middle of the road to becomming a massage therapist. It also meant I had to quit my job as barista. Funnily enough, even after putting in my two weeks notice in October , I find myself still working at the coffee shop. I suppose when you love something enough, it is a bit hard to give up. I'm beginning to find I won't have a choice soon.

I will admit, this has been a difficult time. I laugh about it, though. Truly, truly it brings me some weird sense of joy. I wish I could convey this in a clear way. Though the injuries will make it very difficult for me to find work in the future and will probably get worse