May 12, 2009

Mark Driscoll's 8 Questions to Determine How Humble You Are...

These questions are taken from Mark Driscoll's 05-12-09 sermon on Humility. I recommend listening to the audio sermon online, which can be found at These questions are best coupled with the sermon. But they are okay to use on their own.

Before you look at these questions, you need to know that they should not be simply looked over and answered yes or no. These are questions that require deep thought and self-examination. Mark Driscoll advices people to take these questions to their closest friends and work colleagues; have such people answer these questions on one's behalf. Whatever you decide to do with them, make sure to take them to heart. The parenthesis are my own expansions of the questions for clarity.

1) Are you teachable? (Do you take what others are teaching you into heavy consideration, or do you think you know it all?)

2) How do you respond to correction and rebuke? (Do you get defensive or are you willing to listen and take on board correction and rebuke?)

3) Do you repent quickly and thoroughly? (How quick are you to apologize? How willing are you to apologize? Do you apologize without expectation from the other party to do the same?)

4) Are you considerate of other people? (Think of specific examples, even things like driving conduct and sharing your opinions.)

5) Do you serve and recieve service well? (Are you willing to serve for the sake of service? Do you let others serve and help you, or does your pride get in the way?)

6) Are you consistantly aware of God's grace in your life? (Do you know that you are a sinner? Are you aware of your sins, strengths, weaknesses? Are you thankful for God's graces?)

7) Do you disagree agreeably? (Are you constantly opinionated? Do you feel that you need to be right? Or do you willingly listen to the opinions of others with an open mind and disagree graciously? Are you willing to admit that you may be wrong?)

8) How much attention and affirmation do you desire? (Do you get upset and angry when you haven't been affirmed consistently in ministry? Do you feel that you need to be recognized for what you do? Do you serve or lead because it makes you feel important and/or in control?)