Jan 8, 2012

Trust God, not insecurities.

I learned a valuable lesson recently. It is one that had to be beat into because I seemed to have been missing it completely for a few months. I am going to share it with you now because it is very simple and straightforward. It is this: trust God instead of trusting insecurities.

You know those thoughts in your head...the quiet little naggy voices that make all kinds of assumptions or judgements...yeah, watch out for those. They tend to be the enemy trying to distract and destroy you with lies. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. I think one area he tries to steal, kill and destroy in most is relationships. Be it family, friends, lovers, even aquaintances...if he can prevent us from effectively showing God's grace and love to anyone, he will do that. Furthermore, if he can fixate us on anything other than worshipping God with our thoughts...well he will try anything.

And that is the thing...when we listen to those voices and begin to trust what they are saying, we stop trusting God; we stop worshipping God and begin worshipping idols...be it what others think of us or what we think of ourselves. If these things are not based on truth...either factual or biblical...they have no place in our lives.

So...here are my thoughts on battling these lies.
1) Pray that God would give you the discernment to recognize them for what they are.
2) Counter the lies with scripture and truth...for example, if the lie says "I am worthless", the bible tells us Christ has given us worth because He died on the cross for us.
3) If the lie is involving another person, ask God to examine your heart and expose idols like worshipping what that person thinks of you or your percieved value to them.
4) Ask God to forgive you and thank Him for His grace and forgiveness.
5) Finally and most importantly, praise God! God corrects our misdirected worship by focusing our hearts once again on him!

So may God help you (and I) to trust Him rather than trusting insecurities. :)

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