Oct 2, 2009


I love autumn. I guess I'm truly from the Northwest. It's just that it makes me feel so nostalgic. You know, the crazy busy summer is over and I am reminded of all the time I get to spend with my family and close friends when the weather starts to turn cold. Dinners consisting of thick, hearty stews. Drinking chocolate warmed up on the stove with milk, whipped cream and marshmallows (or made for you at Forza, if you want to spend the money). Baking cookies and pies and other unhealthy things to give people as gifts because few people can resist sweets. And Thanksgiving with family! And Christmas. I enjoy Christmas so much more now that I'm older and it's not about the presents anymore. And the rain! I love the rain. Call me a true Northwesterner. I know it! Rain is a sign of blessing. So many people go without it that I'm so grateful for it. They way it makes the air smell. The way it feels when it hits my face. The puddles to splash in. And the laughs to be had when running through rain that soaks you to the core. Mmmm. I wish you could see the smile on my face.

But something more is going on. The change of seasons reminds me of the seasons of life. Leaves that once symbolized life, begin to die and fall away from the trees. Then the rain comes and just washes everything away, preparing the ground for new life in the spring. Perhaps in this season, you feel there are things which you have clinged to in the past (as trees cling to their leaves) that are beginning to wither and fall away. Maybe this a painful process. And perhaps you also feel that God is beginning to send rain upon, making this whole experience even harder...

In this time, may you be reminded to trust God. Just as leaves must die and be soaked into the ground to make way for new life, be blessed with the knowledge that for all things that God causes to die within us, He is sowing a new seed that will produce an even better fruit.

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