Nov 12, 2007

The power of the Holy Spirit

I've been back from conferences only a few days now and I have had some really cool encounters with the Holy Spirit. Whilst I was at conference I had a very interesting experience whilst leading the group in musical worship with my friends Matt and Peter. I was singing at the top of my lungs when I started to feel a strange sensation starting from my face, then down into my fingers and surging through the rest of my body to my feet. It felt as if someone was blowing cool air into my veins. My whole body tingled and I could not feel anything around me, nor could I feel the microphone in my hand. I could not realy tell whether I was sitting or standing, either. It was as if I became completely deadened to my outside senses and could now only feel what was happening within me. It was the most amazing physical sensation I've ever experienced - the cooling brought not only tremendous inward peace but also joy like I've never felt before.

Whilst this was happening I began to laugh uncontrollably. Not just giggling but uproarous laughter. That was the joy showing up in my emotions! I could not keep myself from laughing, nor did I feel like I needed to even though everyone was watching me...possibly wondering what the heck was going on. I was being taken over by the Holy Spirit and I had no insecurities about what others thought of me. Nothing phased me as I absorbed the amazing love of God in physical form.

On Saturday I went into the church with a friend of mine (let's call her Jolene). Jolene has been going through a particularly difficult time since becomming a Christian and has struggled to understand the love of God. I've been walking with her on this journey, praying for her and encouraging her when she has been at her darkest moments. Saturday we talked more about the love of God and as we were in the church, I began to play the piano. I wanted to take the time to freestyle worship God with music. She sat next to me on a chair and began to pray in tongues. As things came to her mind about God, she would say them outloud. I would then explain what the bible says about those things and she would feel encouraged. As I got more into playing the piano and worshipping God, she began to pray more heavily in tongues.

Suddenly she stopped and said, " lips are starting to tingle. Is that okay?"

"Yes," I said. "That is what started to happen to me when the Holy Spirit overtook me." Immediately after that she started praying ridiculously in tongues and was also overtaken by the Holy Spirit. She had uncontrollable laughter as well as joyous crying. It was quite powerful and we both felt very empowered that night in doing God's work.

Pray that God will continue to do amazing things in [Jolene] and I, as well as the other believers in this area, country and world!

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